Brandmerry Blog Archives
A Pivotal Approach to Adjusting Your Business Plans During the Year
I've always been a planner, perhaps too much so.
The rigidity of my plans used to make it challenging for me to adapt and change course when needed. As a recovering perfectionist, the idea of deviating from my perfectly crafted plans felt like a failure.
However, over the years I’ve discovered a more adaptable approach to planning which includes checking in with myself multiple times over the year.
In this episode, I'll share how I transitioned from rigid planning to a more flexible approach, introducing the concept of planning fluidity and my four-step strategy for successful pivoting.
Inside today’s episode of the Brandmerry Podcast, we’ll dive into:
How pivoting is a strategic practice for seasoned entrepreneurs building an aligned business.
The 4-step process for checking in and pivoting every 90 days as a business owner.
The exact questions to ask yourself to better understand what’s required of you as a business owner in the next quarter so you end the year strong.
For the full content, and all the insider tips, listen to Episode 102 now.
The Art of Pivoting: A Strategic Approach
My journey into a more flexible approach to planning began with the realization that crafting a rigid 12-month plan didn't necessarily set me up for success.
Last week, I shared this as one of the three mistakes entrepreneurs make when planning. I received numerous responses after expressing this viewpoint, which is why we’re diving into this topic today.
While I believe in having a vision for the year ahead, the emphasis on having the full 12 months completely mapped out isn’t necessary.
Instead, I encourage entrepreneurs to focus on 90 days at a time and embrace planning fluidity—a concept I'm currently teaching in my program, Brand New Plan.
This approach focuses on creating a strategy that allows for reassessment and adjustment without sacrificing long-term goals.
Pivoting is more than a spontaneous reaction; it's a strategy.
And, that strategy consists of a four-step process for successful pivoting, a method I've honed to navigate changes in my business while maintaining purpose and direction throughout the year.
The 4R Strategy: Adjusting Plans with Purpose
For a full dive into this strategy below, and the exact questions to ask yourself throughout the process, be sure to join Brand New Plan.
The goal is to perform this review every 90 days at the least, but performing it anytime something feels off can pay off in the long run.
This step involves analyzing key areas such as business revenue, sales, and overall insights into how things are going.
This step involves answering specific questions about the last few months:
How did the last 90 days go for my business, considering revenue and sales?
What specific changes or adjustments do I feel are necessary?
How am I progressing toward my end-of-year goal, and does it still align with my vision?
The next part of the process is balancing analytical review with emotional reflection, this step evaluates what's working and why, and what isn't and why not.
Recognizing how you’re feeling toward your business, and taking a deeper dive into the analytical information encourages a deeper understanding of your business as the creator and can play a role in consistency - which we all know is key to reaching our goals.
This step involves considering questions like:
What aspects of my business are working, and why do I believe they're successful?
What isn't working, and what emotional factors might be contributing to that?
How do I feel overall about my business and the priorities set for the quarter?
At this stage, you want to pull back and revisit your plans with the information you now have.
By acknowledging shifts and readjusting priorities for the upcoming 90 days, this phase guarantees a strategic approach to pivoting and will determine the actions you’ll take in the next quarter.
Consider the following questions when at this stage:
What does the review information tell me about my next 90 days?
How does my current trajectory align with my end-of-year goal?
Are there changes in my personal or business life that need consideration in the regrouping process?
Now it’s time to strategically determine what’s needed. Are you ready for a little plan refresh or a complete revision?
This step is so powerful and breathes new life into strategies for continued success throughout the entire year. Aligning adjustments with the overarching end-of-year goal provides a strategic approach to adapting plans. This is the sweet spot to planning and when done every 90 days at the least can lead to a beautifully aligned brand and business.
This step involves asking questions like:
What adjustments can breathe new life into my strategy?
Are there specific elements that need to be released or revised?
Does my end-of-year goal still resonate with me, or does it require a significant revision?
Consistent Alignment Every 90 Days: Crafting an Aligned Business
Repeating the 4R strategy every 90 days, at minimum, ensures ongoing alignment with business goals.
Remember, pivoting isn't a sign of failure; it's a conscious decision to stay in alignment.
By consistently checking in, reflecting, and adjusting, you create a business that feels inspired and true to your vision.
As I invite you to adopt this four-part strategy, remember that you can have a feel-good business.
By focusing on planning fluidity, emotional reflection, and strategic adjustments, you empower yourself to build a business that aligns with your values and brings you joy.
Join me in this approach as you plan your next year in business, prioritizing flexibility, and consistent alignment. All the details about Brand New Plan are available here.
Tune in now on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or YouTube Podcasts to hear the full episode and all the tips.
P.S. Ready to build a revenue-generating brand? One that not only stands out online but also makes it easier than ever to create high-value content? Tune in to my free brand class and learn my Build a Better Brand Method. Watch now at
Hey there, I’m Michelle Knight!
I’m an online branding and marketing consultant for female entrepreneurs.
I believe in the power of storytelling and using that superpower to brand and market yourself online...oh and to set yourself free.
I'm obsessed with living a life of freedom, so much so, that my family and I travel the world (sometimes in an RV) while running my business.
This blog serves as a home base for all things branding, marketing, content creation, productivity, and more.
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Must-Reads on the Blog
Mastering Aligned Goal Setting for Your Business: 3 Mistakes to Avoid in the New Year
Are you already thinking about your business goals for the year ahead?
If so, you're not alone.
Planning is crucial for success, but it's equally important to avoid common mistakes that can affect your progress.
In this week’s podcast episode, I’ll share three key mistakes to avoid when planning for the new year. By steering clear of the same mistakes I’ve made in the past, you can create a more aligned and successful path for your business in the year ahead.
Inside today’s episode of the Brandmerry Podcast, we’ll dive into:
Why planning on one day isn’t setting you up for success.
The missing link with vision boards and what to do instead.
Why I don’t recommend planning the full 12 months in business.
For the full content, and all the insider tips, listen to Episode 101 now.
Mistake #1: Neglecting Pre-Planning Alignment
The Crucial Step That Often Gets Overlooked
The first mistake I've made, and perhaps you can relate to, is not taking enough time to pre plan. Rushing into goal setting without considering personal alignment often leads to setting goals that don't align with your true self.
To avoid this mistake, it’s important to time to assess who you want to become, both as a person and an entrepreneur. Your business goals should complement your life, not detract from it.
This involves reflecting on your past experiences, identifying what has worked and what hasn't, and taking into account the season of life you’re currently in or entering. We all change year to year, and even month to month, so this pre-work is so important to make sure you’re on the most aligned path for you.
Mistake #2: Outdated Vision Boards
Creating Vision Boards Rooted in Identity
The second mistake to avoid relates to the oh-so-popular vision board, which often focus on materialistic goals. I've come to realize the importance of creating a vision board that connects with the feelings I want to embody as an entrepreneur.
My shift from a material-focused vision board last year led me to tapping into my desire to feel like an athlete again. This approach led to identifying activities and experiences that would make me feel the way I aspired to. It was a game changer.
While I’m a big fan of vision boards, it can often make you feel like a failure if you don’t acquire that one thing you’ve added, so focusing more on the emotional and identity-based aspects of your goals when creating vision boards can make you feel more empowered.
Mistake #3: The Downside of Planning 12 Months in Advance
Why Rigid 12-Month Plans Are No Longer Effective
The third mistake I've made is planning the entire year, down to the smallest details, in advance. This rigid approach often leads to frustration and disappointment when unforeseen changes occur. Instead, I now adopt and teach a more adaptable planning method.
I encourage you to create goals for the year as a whole, focusing on who you want to be at the end of the year, and then break down your goals into plans for only the first 90 days. This will allow you to assess you progress and adapt to changing circumstances as they come up. Life, as well as your priorities, can change over a year and by planning in smaller, more flexible chunks, you can better align your actions with your evolving identity and needs as an entrepreneur.
The Alternative: Authentically Aligned Planning
A New Approach to Goal Setting for Modern Entrepreneurs
I want to emphasize the importance of avoiding these common planning mistakes and embracing authentically aligned goal-setting as an entrepreneur. How you start your year can really set the tone for your success throughout the year.
It’s why I’ve created the 7-day planning course, Brand New Plan, to help entrepreneurs create goals and plans that fit their life.
The focus is on setting goals that resonate with your identity, values, and personal growth. I encourage you to adapt and update your plan every 90 days, ensuring that you remain true to yourself and your evolving priorities, which is something we emphasize inside of Brand New Plan and give you the structure to do so.
I'm excited to offer you the opportunity to join Brand New Plan so you can create a more successful and fulfilling path for our businesses in the year ahead.
Tune in now on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or YouTube Podcasts to hear the full episode and all the tips.
P.S. Ready to build a revenue-generating brand? One that not only stands out online but also makes it easier than ever to create high-value content? Tune in to my free brand class and learn my Build a Better Brand Method. Watch now at
Hey there, I’m Michelle Knight!
I’m an online branding and marketing consultant for female entrepreneurs.
I believe in the power of storytelling and using that superpower to brand and market yourself online...oh and to set yourself free.
I'm obsessed with living a life of freedom, so much so, that my family and I travel the world (sometimes in an RV) while running my business.
This blog serves as a home base for all things branding, marketing, content creation, productivity, and more.
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5 Business Lessons from a Brand Strategist with 7+ Years of Experience
In the world of business, we're all on a wild ride, and sometimes, it's the unexpected twists and turns that teach us the most.
It’s been two years since I launched the Brandmerry Podcast, and to celebrate the 100th episode, I’m diving into five crucial lessons I’ve learned over the past two years that can make your entrepreneurial journey smoother.
These lessons are the kind that can truly help us in our business adventures, learning from others is one of my favorite ways to grow as an entrepreneur. Let’s uncover some valuable insights that can make your entrepreneurial journey a bit less bumpy
Inside today’s episode of the Brandmerry Podcast, we’ll dive into:
The dangers of growing too fast and what the realizations I had when my business doubled in revenue.
The importance of alignment and how to embrace planning fluidity in the face of life’s uncertainties.
The art of working smarter and not harder to reach your goals
For the full content, and all the insider tips, listen to Episode 100 now.
Lesson One: The Power of Alignment in Business
In the ever-evolving landscape of entrepreneurship, the concept of alignment has become increasingly crucial.
It's not just about setting goals; it's about aligning those goals with your authentic vision.
As a recovering perfectionist, I struggled with aligning my goals with my authentic self. It was easy for me to help others strategize and plan their business goals, but when it came to setting my own, I found it challenging. I often set goals based on what I thought I should be achieving, rather than what genuinely mattered to me.
In 2022, I had a moment of clarity. I realized that the goals I had been pursuing weren't my own; they were borrowed aspirations from others.
This revelation was a turning point in my entrepreneurial journey. I had strayed from what truly mattered to me, and it was time to realign with my authentic goals.
Setting goals should be a deeply personal and aligned process.
It's not just about picking a number or reverse engineering a plan. It's about understanding how you want to feel, what lifestyle you desire, and how your business fits into the bigger picture of your life.
Every decision and goal in your business should weave seamlessly into your personal life for a harmonious and fulfilling experience.
Lesson Two: Avoiding the Pitfalls of Rapid Growth
2020 brought significant growth for my business, doubling our revenue. It was an exciting time, and I started to set my sights on even grander goals, including reaching a million dollars in revenue.
However, as I learned, the appeal of rapid growth can come with hidden challenges.
One prevailing piece of advice I received was to build a team to achieve the million-dollar goal. I accepted this advice and started hiring, expanding my team to manage various aspects of my business.
I thought this was the path to growth. But soon, I realized that I was overwhelmed with managing a growing team and lost touch with what I truly loved: creating content and making an impact.
I had to ask myself if the rapid growth aligned with my vision for my business and life. The answer was a resounding "no."
I had fallen into the trap of following external advice without considering what truly mattered to me. It was a costly lesson, but it brought me back to what I valued most in my business: creativity and impact.
In a moment of clarity, I scaled back and redefined what it meant to be a CEO. I didn't need a large team to achieve my goals; I needed a few key people who aligned with my vision.
The lesson here is clear: growth should be meaningful, sustainable, and in line with your values. Don't rush to scale without considering the impact on your work-life balance and personal fulfillment.
Lesson Three: Work Smarter, Not Harder
The old belief "work hard to achieve success" has been deeply ingrained in our minds.
However, it's time to shift our perspective and start working smarter, not harder. Business ownership is about finding the balance between dedication and efficiency.
One key to working smarter is creating efficient systems. Templates, workflows, and AI tools can save you valuable time and energy. They allow you to focus on what you do best and delegate or streamline the rest.
As an entrepreneur, your creativity and content creation are essential. Embrace tools that help you maximize your productivity and creativity.
For example, I've recently started using AI tools to transcribe and format content, saving me significant time. These tools allow me to maintain my unique voice while reducing the time spent on tasks that can be automated.
It allows me to reach more people and get my brand out there without sacrificing my precious time.
Lesson Four: The Normalcy of Feeling Unmotivated
Feeling unmotivated is a common experience for entrepreneurs. You must understand that these phases are entirely normal and not a sign of failure.
The entrepreneurial journey is filled with highs and lows, and unmotivated periods are part of the game.
Rather than panicking or beating yourself up when motivation wanes, give yourself the space to step back and reflect. It's a natural part of the creative process. Use this time for self-care, and you'll often find that your motivation returns stronger than before.
I've learned to embrace these unmotivated phases as opportunities for rest and rejuvenation.
It's essential to take care of your physical and mental well-being during these times, as they can be a signal from your body to slow down and recharge.
Lesson Five: Embracing Planning Fluidity
In the face of life's inevitable twists and turns, it's essential to embrace planning fluidity.
The traditional, rigid approach to planning no longer serves the modern entrepreneur. Life will continue to happen, often unexpectedly, and your ability to adapt is crucial.
Planning fluidity means having a plan and a destination while remaining open and adaptable.
Life's challenges can be unpredictable, but how you react to them is within your control.
You don't have to abandon your goals when life throws a curveball; instead, adapt your plan to navigate those twists and turns. It's about maintaining your vision and being flexible about how you get there.
In the world of business, it's easy to fall into the trap of setting a strict plan and believing that any detour from it is a failure. But the reality is that life doesn't always follow our carefully crafted plans.
Unexpected events, personal challenges, and shifts in the market can disrupt even the most well-thought-out strategies.
That's where planning fluidity comes in. Instead of viewing unexpected changes as roadblocks, see them as opportunities for growth.
If your initial plan encounters turbulence, be prepared to adjust your course while keeping your ultimate destination in mind. This adaptability is a superpower for entrepreneurs and business owners, allowing you to stay resilient in the face of uncertainty.
Planning fluidity isn't about giving up on your dreams; it's about making your dreams a reality on your terms.
It's about staying true to your vision while being flexible in your approach.
So, as you embark on your entrepreneurial journey, remember that the road may be winding, but with planning fluidity, you can navigate any curve and reach your destination with authenticity and resilience.
Remember that entrepreneurship isn't about sticking to a rigid plan or following a one-size-fits-all formula. It's about adapting, growing, and staying true to yourself.
In the ever-changing world of business, it's the ability to pivot, learn from challenges, and keep moving forward that truly matters.
So, whether you're an aspiring entrepreneur or a seasoned business owner, keep these lessons close to heart. Embrace the unexpected, find your authentic path, and know that you have the power to shape your own success.
Just like a road trip, there might be detours, pit stops, and even the occasional flat tire, but it's all part of the adventure. Stay true to your course, be open to change, and enjoy the ride. After all, the journey is what makes the destination worthwhile.
Ready to create a more adaptable approach to planning?
Learn more about Brand New Plan and how it can help you as an entrepreneur create goals authentic to you, as well as an action play you actually stick to.
Tune in now on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or YouTube Podcasts to hear the full episode and all the tips.
P.S. Ready to build a revenue-generating brand? One that not only stands out online but also makes it easier than ever to create high-value content? Tune in to my free brand class and learn my Build a Better Brand Method. Watch now at
Hey there, I’m Michelle Knight!
I’m an online branding and marketing consultant for female entrepreneurs.
I believe in the power of storytelling and using that superpower to brand and market yourself online...oh and to set yourself free.
I'm obsessed with living a life of freedom, so much so, that my family and I travel the world (sometimes in an RV) while running my business.
This blog serves as a home base for all things branding, marketing, content creation, productivity, and more.
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Must-Reads on the Blog
How to Craft Your Signature Offering: A Step-by-Step Guide from a Brand Strategist
Whether you aim to build a brand, market with ease, or create more income and impact, your signature offering is your launchpad.
Many of my clients, especially those just starting out often wonder, "What should I offer?"
This question is not just about packaging your expertise but also making it appealing and valuable to potential clients. There are many directions you could take—courses, one-on-one coaching, memberships, digital goods—but what's the best for you?
Let's break it down step by step.
Inside this post, we’ll dive into:
The option I recommend most entrepreneurs get started with is a low-cost, low-barrier to entry so they can reinvest into their business quickly.
The 5-step process for discovering your signature offering that is authentic and aligned to you and the vision you have for your business.
The different types of offerings you can create and the pros and cons of each.
Your blog content is below, but for the full content, and all the insider tips, listen to Episode 97 now.
The Easier Entry Point: One-to-One Services
When I first began my entrepreneurial journey, I offered one-to-one services. It was the quickest, simplest, and most cost-effective way to get started.
Instead of investing upfront in various tools or platforms, I used basic resources available at the time, like a free Zoom account and PayPal invoices. This allowed me to start making money right away, charging more for personalized services, which made it easier to hit revenue goals with fewer clients.
If you're new to the entrepreneurial world, consider starting with one-to-one services.
It's tempting to jump straight into creating a course or a membership program, but these require significant upfront investment and time. In contrast, one-to-one services allow you to start now, with minimal overhead.
You can quickly put up a service page, use free scheduling and invoicing tools, and connect with clients almost immediately.
Whatever option you ultimately choose, let’s break down the step-by-step process to determine what’s right for you.
Step 1: Brainstorm Your Expertise
Create a comprehensive list of all the areas you excel in. Think about what your friends, family, or coworkers ask you for advice on. Are there skills you've self-taught or areas where you have substantial experience? Your academic credentials and any specific education should also be included. This brainstorming phase is about putting everything out there without judgment.
This step is about identifying your unique skills and knowledge that can be turned into a valuable product or service.
Step 2: Prioritize Impact and Income
From your list, identify items that could generate the most significant income and have the highest impact.
Your goal is to align your skills with market demand. This step requires you to think about your overall business and lifestyle goals. If your aim is to build a sustainable business, you need to focus on offerings that will bring in steady income.
Balancing impact and income is crucial to ensure your offering aligns with both your mission and your financial goals.
Step 3: Identify Your Ideal Customer
Now, think about who you want to serve. Your ideal customer is the person you would love to work with every single day. If you already have a clear picture of this person, great! If not, start dreaming up their characteristics now.
Some questions to dive into are:
What problems are they experiencing?
What are their goals and desires?
What solutions are they seeking?
How can your expertise address their specific challenges?
Check out this resource for more information on doing market research.
Step 4: Solve a Specific Problem
Every successful business solves a particular problem.
Look at your narrowed list and ask yourself which of these problems you can solve for your ideal customer. Be very specific.
A clearly defined problem helps you design an offering that addresses a pressing need for your ideal customer. Remember, customers are willing to invest in solutions that alleviate their pain points.
Step 5: Decide on the Delivery Method
Now, it’s time to determine how you will deliver this offering.
Consider various formats such as:
One-to-One Services: Ideal for personalized, high-touch solutions.
Group Programs: Great for supporting multiple clients simultaneously with a community feel.
Courses: Evergreen and passive income options where you create content once and sell it multiple times.
Memberships: Ongoing support or educational content updated regularly.
Digital Goods: Lower-priced, one-off products like templates, checklists, or eBooks.
Based on your expertise and the problem you aim to solve, select the appropriate delivery method for your offering. Listen to the full episode to hear the pros and cons of each.
Then assess the pros and cons of each method and choose the one that aligns with your target market's preferences and your desired income goals.
Creating your signature offering starts with understanding what you bring to the table and matching it to what your market needs. From there, it's about narrowing your focus, understanding your audience, and choosing the optimal delivery method to solve specific problems and generate income.
Ready to learn more about creating your signature offer as part of my Build a Better Brand Method? You can learn more inside my free, on-demand class at
P.S. Ready to build a revenue-generating brand? One that not only stands out online but also makes it easier than ever to create high-value content? Tune in to my free brand class and learn my Build a Better Brand Method. Watch now at
Hey there, I’m Michelle Knight!
I’m an online branding and marketing consultant for female entrepreneurs.
I believe in the power of storytelling and using that superpower to brand and market yourself online...oh and to set yourself free.
I'm obsessed with living a life of freedom, so much so, that my family and I travel the world (sometimes in an RV) while running my business.
This blog serves as a home base for all things branding, marketing, content creation, productivity, and more.
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Must-Reads on the Blog
Reassessing Your Entrepreneurial Journey: Pivoting Toward a Six-Figure Business
Are you an entrepreneur feeling stuck, like your efforts aren't yielding the desired results?
Today, on the podcast, we'll explore key areas to reassess in order to pivot your way to a six-figure business.
Whether you're aiming for consistent 3K months or striving for a six-figure year, understanding where to focus your time and energy is crucial for growth.
In this episode, we address the concerns of entrepreneurs who have laid the foundation for their businesses, created content, and marketed their offers, yet struggle to gain traction.
In today’s episode of the Brandmerry Podcast you’ll discover:
The three key areas to focus on daily in your business for success.
The foundational steps you might have missed and how to adjust them quickly to start seeing results.
The fastest change you can make to your marketing efforts to start getting your brand seen and paid consistently.
For the full content, and all the insider tips, listen to Episode 96 now.
The Three Key Business Actions to Take Daily as an Entrepreneur
Let's break down the entrepreneurial journey into three fundamental areas (aka daily steps) that can guide your efforts and maximize results in your business.
Brand Awareness: At the top of the funnel, brand awareness involves making your brand discoverable to potential customers consistently. You can understand why this is so important, if people don’t know your brand exists they can’t pay you.
Brand Attraction: Once aware, potential customers move to the attraction phase, where they follow you on various platforms and subscribe to your email list. They have said YES to learning more about your brand and your offerings. At this stage, building your email list should be a top priority.
Brand Connection: In order to make a sale, we must experience a connection. Building a connection with your audience involves sharing stories and promoting your offers with benefit-driven messaging that inspires them to take action.
By focusing on these three areas, you can grow your audience, engage potential customers, and make sales on an ongoing basis.
This blog post shared additional details on these three steps.
Auditing Your Business: Assessing Your Entrepreneurial Journey
If you’re taking action, but not seeing the results you’ve desired here are three areas to audit and make adjustments as needed.
1. Lead Generation: The Foundation of Growth
To sustain and expand your business, consistent lead generation is important. Do you have the pieces in place to collect email addresses daily? Offering valuable lead magnets is key to pre-qualifying potential leads and achieving better conversion rates.
2. Brand Awareness: The Power of Consistency
Consistency in online presence is crucial for brand awareness. It’s time to be honest with yourself and audit if you’re truly being consistent.
If you are being consistent, then we need to take the next step and determine if you are effectively utilizing different platforms and adhering to best practices to optimize your content. Every single platform is different and it’s important that you understand what works on your core platforms in order to see results.
If you’re not already leveraging evergreen marketing strategies to reach a broader audience consistently now is the time to put these in place. Evergreen platforms offer sustainability and consistent growth, even when you're not actively creating new content. Leverage YouTube, blogging, Pinterest, or podcasting to optimize your marketing efforts and reach a broader audience over time.
3. Brand Connection: Communicating Value Effectively
The brand connection phase involves effective communication of your offer's problem-solving abilities and benefits. Clearly articulate the problems you solve and the benefits customers will experience upon engaging with your brand.
Mastering authentic selling and enhancing conversion rates will further elevate your success. Focus on mastering authentic selling to convert potential leads into paying customers seamlessly.
Clearly communicate the problems your offer solves and the benefits customers will gain, ensuring your message resonates effectively.
Learn more about Brand Messaging in this video.
The Importance of Experimentation as an Entrepreneur
In the ever-evolving entrepreneurial landscape, embracing experimentation is essential.
There's no one-size-fits-all approach; you need to tailor strategies to align with your brand and resonate with your target audience.
Reassessing and optimizing your entrepreneurial journey is a continuous process.
Focus on embracing evergreen marketing and authentic selling to propel your business toward the six-figure success you envision.
Tune in now on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or YouTube Podcasts to hear the full episode and all the tips.
P.S. Ready to build a revenue-generating brand? One that not only stands out online but also makes it easier than ever to create high-value content? Tune in to my free brand class and learn my Build a Better Brand Method. Watch now at
Hey there, I’m Michelle Knight!
I’m an online branding and marketing consultant for female entrepreneurs.
I believe in the power of storytelling and using that superpower to brand and market yourself online...oh and to set yourself free.
I'm obsessed with living a life of freedom, so much so, that my family and I travel the world (sometimes in an RV) while running my business.
This blog serves as a home base for all things branding, marketing, content creation, productivity, and more.