How to Boost Your Confidence and Increase Brand Awareness
How to Boost Your Confidence and Increase Brand Awareness
As I wrap up creating 90 days of content both for Youtube and the Brandmerry Podcast, I started to think more about visibility and showing up online.
You can watch an entire vlog I created about the process here.
The thing with visibility and creating content is it’s not easy, and it took me months to build up the confidence to even show up online to promote my business.
But, this confidence is absolutely essential if you want to not only build an online community of warm leads, but also lead your audience through the buying process so they become a paying customer.
Today, I want to talk about getting visible, and how you build up the confidence to show up.
I've been doing this long enough and I work with a lot of new entrepreneurs, people who aren't super familiar with social media or don't feel comfortable with social media or afraid to use video or don't want to look stupid in a reel or don't want to send an email because it's not perfect.
There are so many things that are keeping us from showing up and growing our audience, but more importantly, nurturing our audience and making the sale, that we can move through.
However, I know you can move through those beliefs and I’m sharing five ways to do that with you today.
I made a list of five things to share with you on how to boost your confidence and start getting visible online so you can make that money.
Make the money, make the impact, go out and get it, because visibility is a non-negotiable.
You’ve got to show up.
Number One: It's Bigger Than You
When it comes to visibility and showing up in marketing in general, you have to understand that it's bigger than you.
When I was first starting, I kept asking myself, "But why do people care? What if I sound like an idiot? What if this is not correct? What if nobody shows up?"
I kept saying all these different things like, "What if, what if, what if, what if?"
Then one time, when creating content, I sat down and thought to myself, What if this is not actually about me?
It was at this moment that my branding shifted, because for a long time I thought branding was 100% about me and what I did, and we know now that it's not. It is about your audience. It has to be about your audience.
You are in this to make money. You are in this to make an impact. If you're just talking about yourself all damn day, your audience isn't going to be able to resonate with you. There's going to be no connection.
Everything you share, even when you're sharing stories about yourself, you must ask yourself the following questions:
Who is this for?
What will my ideal customer get from this?
How is this going to support them?
Otherwise, you're just showing up to show up and talk about yourself and that won’t move your business forward.
So one of the first things that I started to ask myself was, "What is the bigger picture?" and that, I think really ties into your mission. In the first episode of the Brandmerry Podcast, I shared with you a mission-driven business.
You can go back and listen to that episode and get really clear on what the mission is behind your business. It's always bigger than you. It's the impact that you are ultimately going to make. So the first step is identifying the mission.
The second step is really switching your focus, switching your thinking when it comes to visibility. Remove you from the equation.
You are the vessel, right?
You are the one that is delivering the information, carrying out the mission.
That's it.
When we start to recognize that it's so much bigger than just us showing up, and it's about the message and the mission and the impact that we are going to make, that will give you the motivation to show up and increase your visibility.
That's number one, big picture.
Number Two: Have a Plan
Now, notice I didn't say be prepared because I think this whole idea of being prepared fluctuates and can be different for every single person.
For those of us, who are recovering perfectionists, working on it every damn day, you're never prepared. You're never prepared because of perfection. It's a vicious cycle, so it's not about being prepared and having all your ducks in a row.
You can never have everything perfectly lined up and perfectly ready to go. You need to record videos, and you're like, "Ooh, I need this perfect background, and I gotta paint my wall, and I gotta have wallpaper, and I’ve got to get the perfect outfit, and I have to have this perfect boom mic and this perfect ring."
No, you don't need to have any of those things, so it's not about being prepared because your ratio of what is prepared could be crazy compared to what is actually required.
But it is about having a plan. You’ve got to know how you're going to show up and when you're going to show up.
This is going to allow you to actually do the damn thing because you will keep postponing it over and over and over and over again if you don't plan for it. Something will always come up. It always does. There will always be an obstacle or an objection or something that you're like, "Oh, can't do it today. No, today's not the day. No, I'm not ready."
Create a plan.
When are you going to post your first blog post?
When are you going to create your first video?
Have you been thinking about reels?
Have you been saving reels to your phone and you just keep waiting and you're like, "Oh, I don't know"?
Put it on the damn calendar.
Create a plan of action. If you’re in your first year of business it feels like you’re throwing spaghetti at a wall. Shit, I'd argue your first, second, and third year, too! It kind of feels like that.
It's like we're just throwing stuff and seeing if it sticks, but even though that's like a really good analogy, there still has to be a plan in place.
What the hell are you throwing on the wall?
What are you wanting to stick?
You've got to know these things. Otherwise, you really are just mindlessly floating around the internet. So having a plan will actually support you in getting visible and being confident in showing up.
Knowing what you're going to talk about on a video before you hit live or record, will take the pressure off. It doesn't mean you have to have the perfect script, it doesn't mean you have to have the perfect microphone, but have a game plan and get it scheduled.
If you’re looking for my tips to create a plan for your content calendar, watch this video here.
Number Three: Choose Your Platformu
When it comes to visibility, showing up, and nurturing your audience, you want to choose one platform and one medium to start.
We know with niching down, especially the more specific you are, the more streamlined you are, same with your offers, the more specific you are, the less you have when you're starting out, the faster you will grow. Because your attention is not pulled in a million different directions.
When you're just starting out and you're really struggling to just get started and just get the confidence to go do something, don't stretch yourself so thin. Start with one area.
When I was first starting, Facebook was super comfortable for me because I spent all my time on Facebook back in the day. I'd never run a business there, I never had a business page, but I was comfortable with the platform. That's why I decided to start there.
I also love video so I decided to just create a lot of live videos as this was something new Facebook was offering at the time.
I did frequent challenges. I would do multiple videos a week sometimes, and that is what I focused on, and that is how I signed most of my clients.
Then, I started to get a little bit more confident and decided to venture to Instagram. I hated it at first, it felt like a lot of pressure, but I was also excited about it and knew I had the capacity to take it on. So, I practiced, I refined, and I figured out what worked for me. I got good at writing captions and so on and so forth.
You don't have to do it all at once. A visibility plan doesn't mean that you're showing up everywhere under the damn sun.
If you're really struggling to gain confidence, then pick a platform where you know your ideal customer is, pick a medium, and really focus on that. Now, as you start to expand, of course, there are ways that you can repurpose your content, which is still something that I do today. It's a huge staple inside of Brandmerry Academy.
With a repurposing plan, you can start to find your main core medium, and then kind of push your content out from there.
For me, it's still video, all these years later, so I really encourage you to simplify, strip it down, think about the main platform and the main medium that your audience is on. Practice. Get yourself out there. Do the work.
Find what works. Find what doesn't work. Really dedicate your time and energy to it, because you're going to get confident as you do it. That's the secret. You get confident the more you do it, so why not laser in and focus on one thing, get really confident on that, and then watch that snowball?
I used to tell my clients that it is literally like a snowball rolling down a hill, right? It starts really, really small, and then it starts to get bigger, and the momentum picks up, and that's essentially what visibility is.
You're going to start small, it's going to feel really, really slow, it's going to feel insignificant, and you're going to start to pick up momentum the more that you do it and the more that you focus on where your reach is going to expand.
Number Four: Identify the Value
This kind of circles back to number one, where we discussed the point of showing up. Why are you doing this in the first place?
This particular point is about each individual piece of content. So before I record a live video, I always sit down and identify what I want my audience to walk away with.
Before I record a podcast, I sit down and identify what I want my audience to walk away with.
Before I create a social media post, I'm like, "What the hell is in it for my audience?"
If you can identify the value before delivering the content, it's going to take the pressure off of you.
Your mindset starts to shift and you start to realize…
...This isn't 100% about me. It doesn't matter how I look. It doesn't matter exactly what I say. As long as I deliver the value piece, we’re golden.
So make sure that you're taking the time to identify that.
Now, I recommend that a lot of my clients do that in the content planning process, but you can absolutely just sit down right before you hit record or right before you write the post and connect back to the value and what you want to provide with that piece of content.
I'm telling you, it seems incredibly simple, but it's a game-changer.
Number Five: Practice
That leads us to number five, which I already kind of told you, but we can still hang out here and talk about it a little bit more...practice.
If you listen to any entrepreneur, public figure, athlete, they will tell you that they boost their confidence and skill set by continuing to do it over and over and over again.
I had an amazing client inside of Brandmerry Academy the other day and she asked, "How did you get so confident on camera? How are you able to just speak really fluidly?"
My response was that I’ve done so many videos. That was the medium I chose in the beginning and I wanted to do it as much as possible to become incredibly confident at it.
I remember when I recorded my first podcast episode, and my husband can probably attest to this, I re-recorded it over and over and over again because it just didn’t feel like enough.
Now, I've recorded a lot of episodes and I just sit down and record it. Mistakes and all, I'm here for it.
The confidence comes by doing, and I think that's the irony of the entire thing. People wait, and maybe you're waiting, to be confident to get started, but you're only going to get confident by getting started.
Think about it.
Your confidence will grow the more you do it, and that's why all these things build on each other.
I know there is something you’ve been waiting to do, or holding off on until you’re ready. YOU ARE READY NOW.
Go through this process and tips I’ve just outlined, because visibility is non-negotiable as a business owner, and it's so fun to connect with people as you grow your business.
Show up, share your value, and connect with your audience. That's the fun part for me about content creation.
Yes, I love new leads. I love when people discover me and my brand, and that's part of the equation, but more than anything I love when people are like, "Watched last week's video and loved it."
"Watched this week's video and it was amazing. Love listening to your podcasts."
That's why I'm doing it, and because we're business owners, you're also going to make more money. Let's not sugar-coat it.
We want to see you.
We want to hear your message.
One of the things that I said really early on, on a podcast just by accident, and it has stuck with me ever since, is “Someone, somewhere needs to hear your message!”
So just remember that. You're just speaking to someone, just one person, that's it. If one person gets your story, gets in touch with you, you did your job.
If you’re looking for more support with your marketing, I suggest you check out my free training. I’m teaching you how to master your marketing without social media and you can sign up here to access it.
Hey there, I'm Michelle Knight and I an online branding and marketing consultant for female entrepreneurs.
I believe in the power of storytelling and using that superpower to brand and market yourself online...oh and to set yourself free.
I'm obsessed with living a life of freedom, so much so, that my family and I now travel full-time while running my business from the road.
This blog serves as a home base for all things branding, marketing, content creation and more.